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Meet the Staff: Roger High

This week’s profile is over the Star City High School Art teacher, Roger High. Mr High has been my art teacher every year I was at this school, and every year he plans fun art trips to go on and we have plenty of art competitions and chances for scholarships.

Mr High states that teaching art is his passion. He loves to help people find their appreciation for art. He first graduated from Monticello High School, then graduated from UAM in 2004 with a degree in art and English with a writing concentration. He has already had several accomplishments this year, including being named Arkansas Secondary Level Art Educator of the Year by the Arkansas Art Educators Association. His vision for the rest of the year is to push more students to try more art competitions and get us into some new competitions.

The Art Club will be taking its first out of state field trip to Memphis, Tennessee on October 21st. Art 1 through AP Studio art will continue making art and working hard.

M.r High decided to work at Star City when Mrs Connie York decided to switch to teaching English and called him encouraging him to fill the art position. She wanted someone who would work hard and continue to push art students to do well. He was indirectly inspired by his art teachers, and because of them, developed a love and appreciation for art. He says that he never intended to teach but instead wanted to have a job in journalism. He decided to teach because Mike Huckabee signed a law requiring K-12 art, putting the state in demand for more art teachers.

Mr. High says he expects all of his art students to try their hardest on all of their art, even using things they’ve never tried before. “You never know if you will like something new until you try it.” Mr. High says he likes the changes that were made to our school this year, saying “I think the changes have helped improve school spirit and to give students more fun activities. I look forward to seeing more activities as the year progresses.” One bit of advice that Mr. High can give is “Don’t be afraid to try new things. A closed mind cannot be filled.”


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