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Meet the Teacher: Heidi Rowland

Hey, Star City! Have you seen a beautiful lady with blonde hair with touches of blue, pink and purple walking the campus? You may not know her name but she is Mrs. Heidi Rowland and she teaches English here at Star City High. Before you ask “Is she related to Coach Rowland?” Well yes she is, the duo is brother and sister. It was actually her brother and aunt who were both teachers at SCHS that told her how wonderful the school is and she was hooked. After the presentation of her family, Mrs. Rowland became a part of the Bulldog Staff family and the school grew to be her teaching home.

Rowland graduated from Kingsland High School, the home of the Greyhounds. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in English and completed a Educational Administrator Licensure program at UAM She also earned a Master of Art in teaching from HSU.

Having several teachers in her family she had always hated the idea of teaching until her senior year of college. “During my senior year of college, I was tutoring in the writing lab at UAM. A girl came in every day for help with her Fundamentals of English class. At the end of the first semester, she came in crying and thanking me for helping her, which enabled her to decide to stick with college. I don’t remember the girl's name now after 14 years, but I will never forget the feeling of pride in helping her to accomplish her goals. That was it for me! I just knew I was meant to help people through teaching. I don’t remember the girl's name now, but I will never forget the feeling of pride in helping her accomplish her goals.” After that inspiring event many years ago, Rowland has been teaching for a total of 13 years! “I love seeing that “aha” moment when something clicks into place for a student!”

Some of her visions or goals for the year are to help all of her seniors develop a plan of transition to be ready for college, the military, and/or the workforce. In hopes of that she wants her juniors to start looking at schools and programs appropriate to their future. So far she’s loving having more pep rallies and the dramatic increase in school spirit. Mrs. Rowlands advice to teachers is “Just remember that all students have something to offer.”

If you need any help with a essay, a good choice of a book or someone to just talk to, go to Mrs. Rowland. If you don’t know who she is look for the lady with purple in her hair. As you can see Mrs.Heidi Rowland loves it here at Star City and can't wait for more years to come.


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